Frequently asked questions

  • Opening hours

    We are open every day from 8:30am until 4:30pm

  • Reservations

    We do not take reservations, simply pop by anytime.

  • Dogs

    Dog are very welcome at the Reading Room. We only ask that they be kept on a lead at all times whilst on the premises.

  • Allergens and dietary requirements

    We cater for all dietary requirements and allergens. Simply let our team know on arrival and they will guide you through our daily menu. Please note due to the open planned nature of our kitchen we can not guarantee that any of our dishes will be 100% free of any allergens.

    We have a range of carne, pesce, vegan and vegetarian dishes.

  • Menu

    Our menu changes every day, we do not have a dedicated daily menu as such. Expect, sandwiches, hot bakes, delicious snacks, soups, toasties, the most beautiful cakes and of course the specials of the day.

    There is always something on offer for everyone.

"Find your calm, gaze out to sea, and enjoy the moment— always a with a coffee in one hand and a cake in the other "